1798 Assessment list--Champlain |
Baptist Amlin--- 100 acres,Kelly Boyd and Co.(owner), on the west side of lake,one log house ($5), log barn 20x20 , total evaluation $600
Antoine LeDame,(Kelly Boyd and Co.,owners), 100 acres adjoining Lake and Charles Amlin, one log house($30). Two log barns, 30x18 and 20x20. $630
Julian Boulangy ,(Kelly Boyd and Co.,owners) 100 acres on the lake shore adjoining Charles Amlin one log house ($5) one log barn 25x20 $600
Jaques Lafromboise, (Kelly Boyd & Co. owners),100 acres adjoining the lake and Antoine Ladame
Jean Baptist Laframbois, (Kelly Boyd & Co. - Owners)
? acres adjoining the lake and Jaques Laframbois
one log house ($5)
Patience Longchamp (Louis Longchamps heirs, owners*) 250 acres by Lake and Laurent Olivers land, one log house ($5)
value $490
(*Patience seems to be living on land that is owned by some other "heirs"???)
Alexander Ferrol ( George Tremble's heirs - owners)
? acres on the lake adjoining Patience Longchamp, one log house, ($30)
value $860
Laurent Olivies , 158 acres adjoining the lake and
Eddie Thurbers land, $969
this is now in Rouse's point(according to Sullivan)
Micheal Rouse, 80 acres adjoining the lake and Laurent Olivies land
Joseph Lafortune, 40 acres on the lake adjoining Laurent Oliver
Thomas Savage, (Laurent Oliver - Owner)
40 acres on lake, adjoining Joseph DeLafortune
Noel Boulangy, 40 acres Lakeshore, adjoining Aimabley Boileau, one log house ($10) one log barn 30' x 25'
Aimabley Boileau, 40 acres on the lake, adjoining Laurent Oliver's land, one log house ($10) one log barn 20' x 20'
Franchois Chadonet, (Kelly Boyd & Co. - Owners)
? acres on the lake adjoining the highway , one log house, ($20)
Francois Chadonet, (Margaret Chadonet - Owner)
? acres on the Little Chazy river adjoining the lake and other new lands
Bruno Trombley, (Kelly Boyd and Co. - Owners)
100 acres adjoining Chadonet on the lake,
Jean Baptist Lusier Sr. (Kelly Boyd & Co. - Owner)
100 acres on lake, adjoining Chadonet and highway
Jean Baptist Lusier Jr. (Kelly Boyd & Co. - Owner)
100 acres adjoining Jean Baptist Lusier Sr.