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OK, it's not really a link but I couldn't think where else to post it!
Copy and Paste
Now there's a link!
Should take you to Joe Hamelin's online gedcom file.
He loves it when you find mistakes so go for it.
This is Randy Sisson's webpage.
Randy has contributed alot of good stuff found here, and his website is great!
He is focusing on the Emlaw variation of the name which seems to be most commonly found among the Hamelins/Amelins/Amlaws that settled in the Midwest region in the mid to late 1800's.
But I'll let Randy explain all that, pay him a visit, drop him a line.
The best Clinton Co. Board I think, of course not much on our folks but...
Use the "jump to forum" in the upper right hand corner to go to the Hamelin/Amlaw forums.
All the messages are on the Hamelin board of course.
Am I surprised?
NO !
Not as good as the "Genforum" board if you ask me but worth checking.
Again there is a link to the "Home page" of the company where you can run some searches and they'll tell you what they have available as far as records containing a particular surname.
Then they hit you up for money.
This has the I.G.I. and also you can download the free P.A.F. program which will allow you to make a standard Gedcom file.
Along with the I.G.I. there are various other searchable databases. I think I've checked them, but two heads are better than one.
This has a FREE searchable database for the "Notary" books of old Quebec. Not much on the Hamelins, a couple of references to Jacques Hamelin of La'assomption but mostly what is there refers only to those Grondines Hamelins, of course.
Bah!, I say, Bah!
They had some property back then cause they married rich girls. I wish I could figure out how to do that!
Must have been that family charm we all got from somewhere
Smarmy French!
This website is all in French so you're on your own with that!
The famous P.R.D.H. the magnificent project by the university of montreal to transcribe and index ALL the pre-1800 parish register entries for the ENTIRE Province of Quebec. It costs a little to see the complete entries but you can peruse an index containing the names and dates and locations and type of record for free, to see if the database contains enough to justify paying to see the complete entries. I've linked here to the Engish version so it should be pretty self expanatory. I don't pay for dead relatives that left me no money, but if anyone can send me this info, I'll be grateful.
Hey, I run this website, that's my contribution!
This is the page run by Ann Thurber. Contains the "online" searchable databases of various records that have been transcribed for Clinton Co. Mostly the Birth, Death, and Marriage records from the old parish registers. As time goes on we all hope that more and more data will be added. There is also a message board attached here, though not nearly as extensive as the two listed above. There is also a link to the NY State resources page which is worth a look.
An excellent and extensive website on the ancestors of Jacques Hamelin, who was either the father or the uncle of Charles Amlaw of Clinton Co. NY (the Revolutionary Vet.) See the on this website for my own ramblings on that subject.
More To Come Soon !!!!!!!!
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