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I think I found Lot#35 (below) but can't seem to locate lot # 63
Know all men to whom these presents shall come greeting that I Baptiste Amlin a refugee from Canada & a soldier in the late General Hazens regiment for and in consideration of the sum of eighteen pounds Lawfull money to me in hand paid before the Sealing and delivery here of by Benjamin Mooers of Plattsburgh Gentleman the reciept hereof I do hereby acknowledge , have given, granted bargained and sold and by these presents I do give & grant, bargain Sell and Convey & Confirm
unto him the said Benjamin Mooers his heirs and assigns to his and their Proper use benifit and behalf
for ever in (fee?) (..imple?) all my Right title property and pretentions To five Hundred acres of land granted to me as a gratuity by the (Honorable?) the Legislature of the State of New York on the westerly side of Lake Champlain and known by Lots number thirty five of eighty acres adjoining Point au Fer & Lot number sixty three of four hundred & twenty Acres amounting to the five hundred as aforementioned to have and to hold the premises as aforementioned with all the apputenences and Priviledges thereunto belonging to him the said Benjamin his heirs and assigns to his and Their only use benifit and behalf forever and I do warrant & forever (deported?) the aforementioned premises unto the said Benjamin his heirs and assigns to his and Their only use benifit and further do hereby constitute & appoint the said Benjamin Mooers my absolute attorney irrevocably & in particular to obtain a Patent or patents , title deed or Conveyence to the lands aforementioned& in his name or mine as circumstances Shall or may require (the?) to his use and benifit I do here ratify & Confirm all and every thing that my said attorney shall or may lawfuly do in and about the (premises?) I do further promise and engage for my self my executors or administrators to give any further title or conveyance to the Lands aforementioned if those thought necessary by the B Mooers at any time when demanded by the said Mooers or his assigns that shall secure the property in him. In witness whereof I do here fix my hand and seal at Plattsburgh this first day of December one thousand Seven hundred & eighty eight . his
Baptist X Amlin
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Zac....? Peaslee, Joshua Chamberlain , Richard Sutton
Clinton Counties Be it remembered that on the 30th day of November 1789 Then personally appeared before me Charles Platt Esquire one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for said County (Zauhous?) Peaslee one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the above written instrument who solemly declared that he did see the within named Baptist Amlin sign seal and deliver the same as and for his voluntary act and deed and that he subscribed the same as an evidence I having examined the same and not finding any material errors or Interlinations do alow the same to be recorded __Chs Platt
Clinton County for Recorded December 29th 1806 at 7 oclock PM
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