Hazen's Regiment's Activities During The War |
Locations of the Canadian Regiment During the War |
This calendar is as accurate as can be determined for the official assignments of the regiment. It needs to be used with caution, however, because rarely was the entire unit together in one place and under Hazen's immediate command. His companies were constantly being assigned to detached duty under other commanders, so that the career of a given individual might differ markedly from the following chronology. Furthermore, Hazen himself was often absent from his regiment while recruiting, drumming up support for a Canadian campaign, or just pursuing his personal affairs. |
1776 |
Jun.: left Canada for Crown Point |
Jul.: to Ticonderoga |
Sep.: to Albany |
Nov.: to Fishkill, N.Y., for winter quarters |
1777 |
Jun.: to Princeton, N.J. |
Aug.: battle for Staten Island |
Sep.-Oct.: battles of Brandywine and Germantown |
Fall: to Wilmington, Del., for winter quarters |
1778 |
Feb.: to Albany for the abortive Canadian campaign |
Apr.: to West Point |
Jul.: to White Plains to help guard New York City |
Nov.: to Danbury, Conn., for winter quarters |
1779 |
May: to Coos for roadbuilding |
Oct.: to Peekskill, N.Y. |
Nov.: to Morristown, N.J., for winter quarters |
1780 |
Summer: to King's Ferry, N.Y. |
Fall: Garrison, N.Y. Campaign to Morrisania |
Nov.: Fishkill for winter quarters |
1781 |
Jun.: to Albany and Mohawk Valley to guard against expected British attack |
Jul.: to West Point |
Aug.: to Dobbs Ferry and northern New Jersey to threaten Staten Island |
Sep.: to Williamsburg and Yorktown, Va., for the siege of Yorktown |
Dec.: to Lancaster, Pa., to guard prisoners of war |
1782 |
Nov.: to Pompton, N.J., for winter quarters |
1783 |
Jun.: to Newburgh, N.Y. Furloughing begun |