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b. Apr. 1844, French Canada
b. Aug. 1873, VT
b. Nov. 1897, VT
It might help if you read THIS first
and see THIS
then see THIS
and also this...(further down this same page)
Ok, this man gave me a start when I first found him. As you may remember, I was looking for a Louis Amlaw, husband of Sarah Chapman, father of Bertram Amlaw. THIS Louis is born in French Canada, which matches the 1920 census entry for Bertram's father, he also has a son George which is about the same age as the son of the Louis Amlaw in Ludlow VT in 1880. To further confuse things THIS GEORGE has a daughter Matilda about the same age as the daughter of the OTHER Louis in Westfield in 1910. It all was looking good BUT...........
Let me explain why he seems NOT to be the right man.
1st: George'e daughter Matilda was born in 1897, IN VERMONT.
Louis J. Amlaw (husband of Sarah Chapman) was burying his wife Elizabeth in Westfield in 1886, having a son Charles M. Amlaw somewhere in Mass. in Oct. 1889, burying stillborn twins (with Sarah) in 1890. Having a son Bertram C. in 1891. Unless George came from Vermont to join his father already in Westfield then it would seem that this family came later than the ones I'm looking for.
2nd: Sarah Amlaw was still alive in 1900 so why would Louis be a Widower? We know that Sarah was still alive as of 1908 when her son Edward was born.
3rd: The Louis that died in Westfield in 1915 is the same age as the Louis in 1910, and the one in 1880. This OTHER Louis would be 4-5 years younger.
4th: In both 1900 and 1910, George says that his mother was born in VERMONT, where George was born. But the wife of the Louis in Vemont in 1880 is born in NY, this is also what appears on her death record in Westfield in 1886.
5th: The daughter of George (Matilda) seems to have died before 1910. The Matilda that is living with the 70 yr old Louis in 1910 is 2 years older than George's daughter would have been, and she has a father born in NY, not French Canada, and a mother born in NY, not Vermont. She is also said to be the daughter of the 70 yr. old Louis, not the granddaughter
6th: The son of Louis J. Amlaw that died in Westfield in 1886, the one named for his father, was born in NY in 1863. The Louis that was George's father in 1900 emmigrated in 1870.
The coincedences here still bother me though!!!
Why are these Amlaws so complicated???
See THIS first
Herbert is born Jan. 1872, in NY, Bertram in 1873, in NY as are their parents. this would seem to mean that they must be part of the Clinton Co. bunch. But to which family do they belong?
I talked, years ago, to a James Amlaw who said this was his Grandfather, and that Herbert had a brother named Bertram (Uncle Bert). James had a brother George. He sent me a photo of Herbert Amlaw and one of Bertram Amlaw. James felt that his Herbert must have been the son of Dolphin Amlaw, but admitted that the ages didn't match up. Now that we have found that the Herbert Amlaw that was Dolphin's son died as a child, this throws the parentage of Herbert and Bertram up for grabs. The California death index has Bertram dying in California in Jun. 20, 1952, says he was born Jan. 12, 1873, in NY. There are also these two entries in the civil reg. of Whitehall NY that do say that Herbert was born in Rouse's Point NY, So into which family????
b. Aug, 1843, French Canada
See this ....
and this....
I have no idea....
b. about 1841,
d. Feb. 12, 1921, Mooers NY
Married: Elie St. Denis
see this...
Could belong to the Grondines Hamelins or the L'assomption Hamelins. Lived in Mooers, that leans toward the Grondines.
Dosinthee (Louise) Hamelin
see this....
...and this
and this...
Married Francoise Belanger about 1839
Could this be the Francis Belanger that was the son of Julian Belanger, the neighbor and possibly friend of Charles Amlaw?
see this...
Dosinthee is probably the daughter of Alexander C. Amlaw
Francoise Belanger is a witness at the burial of Narcisse Amlaw, a son of Alexander C. Amlaw. Alexander and Margaret were married in 1811. They seem to have come to NY about 1837-38, so if Dosinthee is Alexis' daughter, she must have married a local guy pretty quickly upon arrival.
There were 2 Francoise Belangers, both born the same year, 1794, but this one had a familiar name at his funeral, he seems the likely one.
Is Dosinthee (Dorothy?) the daughter of Charles and Agathe???
Why is Jean Baptist Trombly the Godfather?
He was a neighbor of Charles and Agathe in Chazy.
Charles and Agathe's son, Baptist, sold part of his fathers land to Jean Baptist Trombly in about 1830. Is Dosinthee Baptist's daughter???
Who was Bruno Trombley? His wife was Caroline (Trombly?), if this is the same Bruno. There are Trombleys all over Clinton Co. Everybody was probably related to a Trombley in one way or another but it seems there was some connection with old Bruno here. He has some connection to the Pelletiers ( see this) and to the Dumonts ( see this) and to the Belangers (see this). So his appearance in association with Dosinthee is likely to be his Belanger connection. It may be worth noting that his appearance here, and the one at the baptism of Harriet Amlaw's child is the only time I've come across any connection to the Hamelins of Alexis and those of Charles and Agathe. It was probably because of Bruno's Pelletier connection that he was at Harriet's child's funeral.
And just to further complicate this...
Who is this Hamelin girl (Lucile)that also marries a Francoise Belenger (Berenger) the same year that Dosinthee Hamelin (above) died???
And who is her father, Jean Baptiste Hamelin? in 1815?
We seem not to have such a wide selection of Hamelins at that early of a date. The wife is named Marguerite Lebeau.
Could this really be Alexis and Marguerite Robert? Seems unlikely, Alexis wasn't
the eldest son of his family and so was probably not ever called Baptiste.
This Jean Baptiste then, would seem to be the son of Charles and Agathe, the one who has a wife named Lizette in 1829.
But, lets not forget Mr. X, the "other" Baptist.
Sophie Pelletier
see this...
Father: Gregoire Beausoleil
Godmother: Sophie Pelletier
Godfather: Andre Tremblay
Is Sophie Pelletier (godmother) the wife of Joseph Amlaw??
She would be 33-35 in 1853.
She could have a 16-17 year old daughter. (barely)
and his parents
Theophile Hamelin & Marie Picard.
...and this
and this...
...and this
and this..
His naturalization papers in the Clinton Co. Courthouse are dated within a day or two of both John Amlaw and Napolean Amlaw, however, i was told by a clerk at the courthouse that there had been a change in the law at that time that caused all the resident aliens to have to finalize their citizenship. So it doesn't mean anything as to their relationship one to another.
I once talked to the widow of Tuffelds' son, but unfortunately the notes on this were destroyed in the "great fire" so I'm going on memory here, but I believe that she said that Tuffeld was the same man as Theophile above.
I guess that the Celina M. Amlaw buried next to Tuffeld could be his daughter. Or possibly both of the women buried there were his sisters.
Why doesn't he show up on any Census's?
Who is (Moises?), living nextdoor in 1880, a brother?
His naturalization papers in the Clinton Co. Courthouse are dated within a day or two of both John Amlaw and also Tuffeld Amlaw, however, i was told by a clerk at the courthouse that there had been a change in the law at that time that caused all the resident aliens to have to finalize their citizenship. So it doesn't mean anything as to their relationship one to another.
Or this (top of this page)
The question here is, could this be the same Louis as the man who appears in Vermont in 1880, with a daughter named Alice just about the same age as the Alice born in Greenfield NH.to Lewis and "Helen". THIS Lewis is said to be a farmer and born in Vermont while Helen is said to be born in Canada.. There is another birth recorded exactly one year later (1870) in Francestown NH of an unnamed son (possibly stillborn?) to a Louis Amlaw (Amlow), laborer, and a woman named Lydia Foote (she is apparantly a local Francestown girl) There is a Mrs. Lydia Amlaw living as a boarder in Fitchburg NH, in 1889, divorced??. Since the Louis in Vermont in 1880 has a wife named Elizabeth (Lizzie) who died later that same year (1880 ) in Westfield Mass. after which he married Sarah M. Chapman, if this is the same guy then he had the worst luck with his wives! Helen, Lydia, Lizzie and Sarah, Hmmmm...... Anyway, the Louis we're looking at in Vermont in 1880 seems certainly to be the son of Louis Amlaw and Julia Patenaude from Clinton Co. NY. He disappears off the radar screen by 1860 and reappears in 1880 Vermont. I suppose that he could have spent some time in NH, marrying and burying a couple wives, then moved to Vermont sometime in the 1870's. This NH Louis seems to be pretty much the only one in NH that early, notice also that on the birth record of the one child he is said to be born in NY. The references to Canada as a birthplace for Helen would seem to support the idea that he was of the French Canadian persuasion and therefore probably a Hamelin as opposed to some other misspelling. Yet the first Lewis being a farmer seems not to fit, farmer seems to me to be a more stable occupation, not someone who drifts around as much as theses other Louis(s) seem to.
Oh well, maybe we'll never know.
and who is this? He seems French, despite the Anglo spelling.
Mr. Amlaw
Allright, who is this "Mr. Amlaw" that was the father of an unnamed (possibly stillborn?) child with one "MRS. Robinson??!! Unless there is a spelling error here it would seem to have been a rather "awkward" situation. This was in 1883, in Manchester, so lets see which "Mr. Amlaws" were around then, shall we.
No, on second thought let's not.
Emmigrated from Canada in 1866, aged 15. Alone? Who were his parents?
His naturalization papers in the Clinton Co. Courthouse are dated within a day or two of both Napolean Amlaw and Tuffeld Amlaw, however, I was told by a clerk at the courthouse that there had been a change in the law at that time that caused all the resident aliens to have to finalize their citizenship. So it doesn't mean anything as to their relationship one to another.
Hmmmm... Odd, very odd.
Born in NY in 1830 or so it says. I don't see him either before or after this mention though.
Says his parents were Canadian, so it would seem like Alexis (Alexander C. ) would be the most likely candidate for the father., but who knows.
Born in 1905, in Clinton Co. (probably)
Married Grace Spencer
I have no idea
Married in 1875, in Ellenburg
Married in 1871, in Champlain
Hamelin, Helene (2)
Married in 1872, in Ellenburg
Married in 1879, in Cherabusco
Married in Coupville in 1880
Married in 1888, in Champlain, one of the witnesses was named Narcisse Hamelin.
Daughter of Philo Hamelin
Married in 1867 in Champlain.
never heard of him.
Married in 1867, in Champlain, could belong to either of the 2 families in the area at that time.
Rose & Paul Hamelin
completely unknown
One of them unknown Cherobusco people.
and this... (further down this page)
Joseph married Mrs. Weeks, I guess that both of them must have been married previously. Maybe after Joseph's wife died he put these girls in the home of Mrs. Weeks as boarders and then later fell for the landlady.
I think that this man is just a recent immigrant from Canada who got his name mispelled.
Must have arrived before 1893, married a girl from NY.
They lived in NH.
These 2 men may be related, see here.
and her daughter
Bertha was born on Jan 31,1888, in Maine. Died in California.
Viola was born in 1908 in NH.
Bertha is probably a widow, husband born in NH.
says her father was born in Maine and her mother in NH.
Could be a daughter or sister of William E.,(below)
Born in 1869, in NH, father Canadian, mother born in NH
He died in Maine in 1960, age 82
Wonder if someone named Amlaw could bluff their way into seeing his death record???
Father of John E. Amlaw, below???
Born in 1905, died in Maine
Son of William, above???
Born in 1865, married Amelia Seymour
Lived in Clinton Co. NY
Born Aug. 27, 1906, in NH
Married a man named Marshall
wife of Lewis Ashline
Born Feb. 1809.
Is she a daughter of Charles and Agathe?
wife of Lewis Ashline
(NOT the same as above)
Born June, 1859, died at 23.
and her daughter Alvira Amlaw
Born in 1827, notice that her daughter died shortly before her. Also seems odd that the daughter has the same surname as the mother. Is Amlaw the mothers married name? Is the daughter illegitimate?
wife of Micheal Wool
Born July, 1793, according to the stone. Is she a daughter of Charles and Agathe?
They had a daughter named "Judith" born on July 2 , 1794.
I have been in contact with someone researching the Wool family who is trying to identify her. The Wools were one of the Clinton Co. "Refugee" community. Micheal Wool is mentioned in the list of voters of Clinton Co. prior to 1811. Note that he has the same political leanings as Charles.
husband of Editha Weeks
and this... (on this page)
Moved west with the Devoes I think. Someone once posted an inquiry about him.
I have no idea...
Probably one of the Alexis Hamelin family.
Joseph Amlaw
Residing in Keene NH in 1900-1903
seem to be brothers, but who are their parents?
Living in the same town as this Alexander, whoever he was.
but no mention of sons named Henry or Joseph, ages seem more like they may be Alexanders brothers.
maybe one brother and his son (or father?)
A widow of one of the Manchester NH Amlaw men.
Boarder in William K. Amlaw's house in 1891.
Obviously related to his family
Born in Sept., 1883, in NY
Parents were Canadian
Born in Mass. about 1903
Died in Florida in 1999
Charles V. Amlaw
registered for the draft in 1917 in Lewis, Washington State??
Said he was born 25 Apr 1887 in Shorts Mills Pennsylvania.
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